What is canine freestyle, dancing dogs and
heelwork to music ?
In the UK the sport is called Heelwork to music but
this encompasses freestyle. Whereas HTM has
eight heel positions in freestyle you can do as
many tricks as is relevant to the music.
How to start in the sport
Firstly make sure you have some basic obedience
with your dog then start with some basic moves.
These can be found on The Moves DVD and the
book in my shop. Always keep sessions short and
fun using different types of rewards
How do you progress your dogs tricks ?
Here are a few ways you can progress your tricks
Can you perform the trick on one command with
no signal?
Can you perform the move with the dog at a
distance ?
Can you get the dog to perform the move while
there are toys or other dogs around ?
Showing the dog you have nothing in you hands
will the dog still perform the trick?
e: richard@k9freestyle.co.uk